Your Detailed Compatibility Reports tell you exactly what your relationship compatibility with your partner or secret crush is. It reveals every aspect between you and gives you detailed descriptions of what they all mean. Find out if it’s love or just lust, discover what positive long term and supportive aspects you share together.
Delivered directly to your email in PDF format so that you can Read it on any device!
Did you know that getting a complete and detailed compatibility analysis from a reputable astrologer could mean the difference between happiness or sorrow… between love or loneliness… between success… and failure?
One road leads to finding your soulmate and to a loving, caring, understanding, passionate relationship. Along that path there is closeness, romance, attraction, fulfillment, success, fortune, and happiness.
But the other path can lead to disappointment, infidelity, a broken heart, and many other dangerous traps.
At this point, standing at this imaginary fork in the road, you must carry on walking. You can turn either left, or right, but there are no signs to guide you.
Would you pick a path blindly… on a whim… potentially choosing the wrong one and missing out on all the wonderful things life had to offer you if you’d selected the other path?
Or… would you prefer to have a detailed map showing exactly where each path would take you - so you can take what you want and avoid the rest?
So why is it that most of us choose to go through life’s decisions – the exact same situation – blindfolded?
For many generations, astrology has helped millions of people make better, more informed, decisions.
And today, by combining the secrets of astrology that have been studied since the dawn of time with the latest advancements in mathematics and technology – we have unlocked the code!
Cutting edge technology is now helping a select group of astrologers read your astrological signature – created by the positioning of the stars at the moment of your birth – in greater detail and accuracy than ever thought possible!
Armed with this knowledge, astrologers can now turn your astrological signature into an actionable map, so detailed, so accurate… it will send shivers down your spine!
The reports were amazing and really helped me understand my partner and our relationship dynamic so much better.
I found total peace and new perspective to get me through this season. Completely on Point! Thank you, thank you!"
The reports were amazing and really helped me understand my partner and our relationship dynamic so much better.
I found total peace and new perspective to get me through this season. Completely on Point! Thank you, thank you!"
The reports were amazing and really helped me understand my partner and our relationship dynamic so much better.
I found total peace and new perspective to get me through this season. Completely on Point! Thank you, thank you!"
For hundreds of years, astrologers have known that it is not just the location of the large planets at the time of birth that determines your potentials but the relationships between those heavenly objects.
One example of these relationships is the angle at which two or more stars or planets are in when compared to one another.
The angle these stars are in can indicate harmony and a higher potential in a specific aspect of life, or friction and hardship.
Astrologers call these angles ‘aspects’, and when a reputable astrologer reads your chart they will always be looking for aspects such as…
The Grand Trine… The Squares…The Grand Cross… The Semi-Squares… The Quintiles… The T-Square… The Sextiles… The Semi-Sextiles… The Conjunction… The Trines… The Chart Patterns… The Yod Finger… The Ruling Planets… and many, many more.
There's a big problem with the way readings have been done so far.
This problem has limited the level of accuracy and detail we could reach for many years… but not any more!
In the past, the accuracy of the reading was limited by the astrologer's ability to account for all the aspects and patterns that hide within your astrological signature.
In other words, if an astrologer missed some of the more subtle patterns and aspects (as they often would), then your reading would be less accurate and less detailed than it could have been.
Thanks to the amazing advancements in computer technology in the last few years (which I'll explain in a minute), previously hidden aspects and patterns are brought to light.
Using these advancements, we finally have a way to read your astrological fingerprint without missing a single aspect or pattern – not even those that were previously invisible to the human eye!
There’s just no reason to walk through life blindfolded and without a clear map.
Extremely detailed, easy to read and I was very happy. I would definitely recommend it for people who are looking for more insight into their relationship.”
A detailed astrological compatibility analysis contains information and insights that are almost impossible to obtain in any other way, such as:
What your partner is really thinking about, and how to guarantee that every thought they have of you is super-charged with passion, love and, excitement
The unconscious expectations your partner really has from you that are causing most of the friction, misunderstandings, and fights in your relationship… and how to put an end to these fights so you can move on to a much happier and more compassionate state
How to immediately become so attractive in your partner’s eyes (or potential partner’s eyes) that people around you will think you’ve put a spell on them
How to understand your partner’s deepest desires and most sensitive needs – even better than they know themselves – making them yours for life and reducing the chance of your partner cheating on you
How to find your unique “win-back” hook to get your ex desperate to get back together again
How to know if a relationship can stand the test of time, or if it’s ready for the next step (if you’re wondering “should we move in together?”, “should we get married?”, “should we start a family?”, or “should we have another baby?” – this will help you find the answer)
How to automatically avoid bad relationships and finally understand what you really need to be happy (you most certainly will be surprised) – so you don’t waste precious time on the wrong person!
How to maintain the right kind of “relationship energy” to turn your weaknesses as a couple into your greatest strengths (finally get “on the same page” with each other and resolve conflicts for good)
How to “set up” the perfect shared experiences that will excite both of you and rekindle your relationship
Unbiased, anonymous advice to help you decide if you should engage in an affair (find out if a new object of interest is actually “the one” or just a crush before you do something irreversible)
Met someone online? Find out the real potential you two have, including your sexual compatibility, shared interests, shared goals and desires… before you decide to meet them in person
Avoid wasting years of your life on trying to fix dead-end relationships or on being less happy than you deserve to be
And the best part? Unlike any other psychological tool… it’s completely anonymous!
What this all means is that without having to meet anyone, talk to anyone, or even leave the privacy of your own home you can now calculate – in more detail and much higher accuracy than ever – your compatibility with any potential partner…
…including the chances of you achieving love, happiness, fortune, enjoyment, satisfaction, and fulfillment together.… without them ever finding out!
Your Detailed Compatibility Reports tell you exactly what your relationship compatibility with your partner or secret crush is. It reveals every aspect between you and gives you detailed descriptions of what they all mean. Find out if it’s love or just lust, discover what positive long term and supportive aspects you share together.
Delivered directly to your email in PDF format so that you can Read it on any device!
Many people think astrology is unscientific and only appeals to people who are more emotional and less “logical.” Nothing can be further from the truth! In fact, studies show astrology appeals to people of a higher IQ than average!
Did you know what Galileo the astronomer, Carl Jung the psychologist, Albert Einstein the physicist, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson – the forefathers of America, Sir Isaac Newton, and JP Morgan (the world’s first billionaire) all used astrology on a daily basis to improve their decision making?
Think about it for a moment…Wouldn’t you want to use the same tool these giants used for make better-informed decisions?
…the same tool that led them to eternal glory and success…
…only far more advanced… far more accurate than they ever imagined?
"Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it."
– Albert Einstein
“Astrology is one of the most ancient sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the wise and the great”
– Benjamin Franklin
“We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have qualities of the year and the season in which we are born.”
– Carl Jung
"Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do."
– JP Morgan (The First Billionaire)
"It’s common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology."
– Donald Reagan (Former White House Chief of Staff)
And it’s not just scientists and billionaires who use astrology.
Many celebrities have used it to guide their career and reach new heights, including Lady Gaga, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Megan Fox, Adam Lambert, Khloe Kardashian, and Robert Downey Jr., who wrote about his astrologer, Steve Forrest:
"I marvel at the accuracy of Steve's readings. He insists that nothing is so grave as to be beyond repair, and correspondingly that there is no rainbow that won't be evaporated by poor judgment in the now. I can't recommend him highly enough."
For these successful men and women, astrology meant the difference between moving forward and moving backward… between success and failure… and it can mean the same for you.
As I promised you earlier – here's how we use the latest advancements in technology to provide you with the most detailed and accurate astrological reading possible, giving you the insights that were previously beyond your reach.
It starts like any readying, with you providing the birth date, time, and location (to the best of your knowledge) of the two partners you want analyzed. We will get in touch with you via email to verify we have all the correct information.
Then we move on to the first step:
First, we take the information you provided (date, time, and location of birth – for both partners) and feed it into a special database.
This database has a complete and accurate historical record of the location and movement of all solar bodies – anywhere in the world, at any specific point in time in the past eighty-five years.
(This database is as accurate as NASA’s astronomical database, including correct planetary positioning to the tiniest fraction of an inch!)
By using this database, we can get the most accurate ‘snapshot’ of your astrological imprint – giving us a much better starting point than your ‘everyday astrologer.’
After all, if the astrological snapshot we use for your reading is inaccurate – it’s as if we’re doing the reading for a completely different person! (This is why we use custom software to guarantee the highest level of accuracy possible.)
The next step is truly amazing. In fact, it’s the greatest advancement in astrology since it first became a science!
What most astrologers would do now is take your astrological ‘snapshot,’ draw a birth chart, and start looking for patterns and aspects that emerge.
This is a dangerous path to take because even the most experienced astrologers are human and human eyes are limited… and biased.
And remember, missing even a single pattern or a single aspect could lead to a false prediction. So we do things differently. At this step, instead of jumping to conclusions, we look at the full picture.
We will take each partner’s birth chart – in which potentials, tendencies, desires, and needs are encoded – and using a mathematical algorithm that cost many thousands of dollars to develop, our servers will process several million points of data, including all angles, combinations, patterns and aspects that lie hidden in your astrological fingerprint.
There are subtle aspects that could escape the eyes of an experienced astrologer… but computers aren’t vulnerable to the same flaws.
So far we have:
Accurate astrological birth charts for both partners – created with the star positioning coordinates received from our historical astronomy database
The most detailed, accurate, unbiased recognition of the patterns and aspects each partner is imprinted with.
Together, and in the hands of our experienced astrologers, these two things will be used to reveal each person’s nature in every aspect of life:
What things are really important to them, career aspirations, relationship and love life aspirations, natural talents, subconscious patterns, hidden potentials, wishes, dreams, goals, what attracts them, what detracts them…
The special process we use to reveal key patterns and aspects that are often missed in other readings is so accurate and insightful that many of our clients say: “It’s as if you were in my brain when you wrote this!”
Next, one of our experienced astrologers will review your patterns, aspects, and signatures – side by side with your partner.
This process provides a complete understanding of your compatibility to one another, including:
How all aspects of your individual identities & personalities relate to each other, including areas of challenge or conflict – and how to work on them
The different factors that will affect your long-term potential together – and how to support each other and make your relationship last
Practical ways to avoid tension and conflict and transform your relationship so that you can both feel more love & support
Key things about the overall “story” of your relationship that are important for you to know if you want to relationship to succeed and flourish
Give you an objective point of view on the things that are concerning or bothering you about this relationship, providing your with reassurance and confidence
Help you to fully understand your partner better (the hidden behaviors and beliefs that are most challenging or interesting about them)
Have you ever noticed how two people seem to be extremely different when they are together and when they are apart?
Why is that?
It's because when two people come together in a committed relationship, the energy of the relationship has a life of its own… a behavior of its own… patterns of its own…
…even an astrological signature of its own!
This is why we must look beyond each person's reading as an individual. We must look at the combined fingerprint of your relationship in order to reach a truly accurate and insightful reading of your chances as a couple.
We do this through a special process called ‘fusion.’
Fusion allows us to create a very special birth chart, called a composite birth chart, which represents the unique energetical combination of the two partners.
We then take this composite birth chart, and using our unique process we uncover the most important aspects of life as a couple for the two partners, including:
The real potential of the relationship to survive and flourish
How your personalities match
How your emotional natures combine
Your sexual energy and how to immediately achieve greater intimacy
How to increase listening, understanding, and patience by understanding your partner's communication style
The chances of infidelity and other major roadblocks down the road (and how to steer clear of them)
Your strengths as a couple and the opportunities they can bring you (once you know what to look for, including your ability to create a fortune together)
Shared interests and passions
How each person is motivated in the relationship and what each one of you should focus on to keep the relationship moving forward
One of our experienced astrologers will get to work as soon as you send in your order through our secure ordering process.
As every report is prepared manually by one of our experienced astrologers, it will take up to 48 hours before it is delivered (we try to keep it under 24 hours, though).
Once the analysis is complete and the reports are ready, you will receive an email from us. The email will contain your detailed report - completely unique and custom-tailored to you and your partner.
The report will be provided in a convenient PDF format, so you can read it on any mobile device, laptop or desktop without needing to install any additional software. Your report will also be professionally formatted to suit any modern printer, so you can also print it out if you prefer reading a hard-copy.
In the same email, you will find another PDF file containing a large, beautiful full-color reproduction of:
Your accurate birth chart
Your partner’s accurate birth chart
Your composite (“fusion”) chart - the “birth chart” of your relationship
The charts are provided as a separate PDF so that you can refer to the image while you are reading the report, allowing you to understand the important visual clues in your chart more easily.
Beneath each chart you will find an interesting “summary table”. This table will list the exact position of every planet - a great reference tool to understand your charts more easily.
There is also an “aspect table” that lists every aspect uncovered by our astrologers, and the angle and number of degrees between each aspect.
The first thing you need to know about your report is that no previous experience or knowledge of astrology is required… because unlike others – our reports are written in plain English!
First, the report provides an important overview that will help you understand the meaning of the astrological patterns and shapes that were found in your chart, in your partner’s chart, or in the composite chart (relationship chart).
Then, listed in order of importance, you will find crystal clear descriptions of the patterns and aspects we have found for you, for your partner, and for your relationship.
For each pattern and aspect found and remember, these are unique to you and your partner and to your astrological signature – our astrologer will explain in detail:
What the aspect means and how it was extracted from the chart – including the exact house position, sign, and features of the aspect in the chart – so you can easily locate it in the birth chart. This is a huge eye opener for understanding your astrological signature!
The strength of the aspect and whether it’s positive and harmonious, or negative and challenging
Practical tips on how to work on the aspect – using it to either increase the harmony and satisfaction in your relationship or to prevent the hardships and turn weaknesses into strengths
Combined, this is the most accurate, detailed, and actionable information you can find anywhere on the subject of making your unique relationship stronger, happier, more passionate, fulfilling, loving, and satisfying!
Whether you want to make the relationship you’re in work… turning your challenges and weaknesses as a couple into strengths… increasing attraction… relighting the fire of the relationship… and bringing you closer than ever…
… or you want to know if the relationship has the potential to stand the test of time… know if a relationship is worth fighting for… or if a new relationship is worth entering…
… either way – you will get your investment back a thousand times. But don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what people just like you are saying about our detailed compatibility analysis:
“Thank you!
I have been interested in Astrology for a while and have purchased other reports online, but found the reading that you provided to be extremely detailed...
I feel that I have really gained a better understanding of the influences between myself and my partner.”
- K. Rokholm, Aarhus, Denmark
“The information provided is objective, detailed & explains things well, especially for someone who doesn’t fully understand Astrology yet.
Different from other products I’ve purchased before, it gave very clear descriptions of each partner’s feelings and behaviors for each planetary combination.”
- A.Zhang, Hebei Province, China
“Really enjoyed the Compatibility Reports, they totally rocked!"
- Debbie B., Kentucky USA
“The reports were very useful for planning our future together.
It has given me valuable insight into our lives and compatibility as a couple. The traits you indicated in the reports about myself and my partner are also spot on. “
- Mandeep S., Greenwich, England
Will you miss your opportunity for happiness?
Will you risk picking the wrong path, now that you know you can avoid making a blind mistake?
Today, right now, you can have your compatibility tested by the world’s most advanced, most accurate, most insightful astrological analysis process in the world.
All you have to do is click the “Get Your Compatibility Report” button. You'll be redirected to our secure payment gateway where you will pay with Paypal.
You will then be asked to fill in some astrological information about you and your partner (time of birth, date of birth, location of birth, etc.).
And that’s it! One of our astrologers will receive your order and prepare your report in 48 hours… or less!
Literally… you can have a fancy mocha latte and a donut – or you can get the answers you desperately want with the strongest guarantee you’ve ever seen:
We’re tired of seeing others offer convoluted guarantees meant to protect themselves. Here at Astromatcha we serve over 1.4 million readers a month. We know the burden of proof is always on us, and we are extremely confident that we can prove to you that this is the best compatibility analysis money can buy.
You be the judge.
Order now with confidence, and if it doesn’t live up to your highest expectations – we will send all of your money back, no questions asked. So you have nothing to lose. The risk is all on us!
Your Detailed Compatibility Reports tell you exactly what your relationship compatibility with your partner or secret crush is. It reveals every aspect between you and gives you detailed descriptions of what they all mean. Find out if it’s love or just lust, discover what positive long term and supportive aspects you share together.
Delivered directly to your email in PDF format so that you can Read it on any device!
Our return policy is ironclad and extremely simple. If this is not the most detailed, accurate, insightful, helpful, actionable astrological compatibility analysis you ever seen, and if you don’t ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT for whatever reason – let us know and we will refund you fully and promptly. As. Simple. As. That.
You have no risk, Everything to gain!
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